You walk in to a pharmacy and often you will find a whole aisle dedicated to teeth whitening or dental products. Often when you approach staffs they will tell you what is good based on customer feed back but also speak to your dentist.
So which teeth whitening product is best suited for you?
There is no short answer. Why is that?
Everyone reacts to teeth whitening treatments differently due to age, genetics, diet and environmental factors etc. Although at a glance over the counter products such as strips or toothpastes may be the cheapest options they can also cause irritations or irreversible damage for no real teeth whitening result. They also often contain abrasive or bleaching agents which can wear out your enamel as oppose to removing stains.
At Preston Smiles, your whitening treatments are analysed, tailored and performed under qualify dentist’s guidance and care. We do this because we believe your dentist knows your unique teeth best. All dentists at preston smiles analyse then discuss the most suitable treatment options prior to proceeding. This is also a good chance to address your concerns and find out in full what is involved and how you can best look after your teeth whitening treatments once it’s completed.
Our whitening treatments are not done by a beautician, hygienist or nurse.
Keep in mind it is always recommended to book in for a clean for optimal whitening results. Calculus build up can affect the outcomes as result may appear uneven.
For further information, please contact or pop in to speak to one of our friendly staff at Preston Smiles!